Are These Really The 10 ‘Dumbest’ Cities In Iowa?
You're probably familiar with the old saying "There's more than one way to skin a cat." I'd like to believe that saying can also apply to intelligence. There's more than 1 type of intelligence. There are book smarts, street smarts, social intelligence, or being good at certain kinds of art. There are all kinds of ways to show off how well your brain works or doesn't work in certain areas.
I bring up different types of intelligence because I found this article that has ranked the 10 "dumbest" cities in Iowa and I wanted to know what you think about it. There are so many different ideas of what being "smart" is and I'm a bit curious as to how this website decided which cities in Iowa were considered dumb. Do you agree with their findings?
Get it? Dumbells...? I'll get to the point.
Roadsnacks has put together a list of the 10 dumbest cities in the state of Iowa. Before getting to their findings, it should be noted that Iowa, as a whole, is pretty dang smart. According to World Population Review, Iowans have the 14th highest IQ in the entire country.
10 Dumbest Cities In Iowa
Roadsnacks does mention in their article that this information is meant for infotainment and reminded people "don't freak out." The criteria they used were the percentage of each city's population with less than a high school education (age 25+) and the percentage of high school dropouts (ages 16-19). They also only studied cities with a population of 2,000+.
According to Roadsnacks, these are the 10 "dumbest" cities in Iowa.
10. Centerville (Population of 3,944) - Adults without a high school diploma - 13.8%. Teenage High School Dropouts - 5.3%
9. Waterloo (Population of 44,912) - Adults without a high school diploma - 13.7%. Teenage High School Dropouts - 7.6%
8. Sioux City (Population of 51,962) - Adults without a high school diploma - 16.4%. Teenage High School Dropouts - 6%.
7. Anamosa (Population of 4,058) - Adults without a high school diploma - 11.4%. Teenage High School Dropouts - 27.7%
6. Sioux Center (Population of 3,849) - Adults without a high school diploma - 14.3%. Teenage High School Dropouts - 7.2%
5. Storm Lake (Population of 6,285) - Adults without a high school diploma - 33.4%. Teenage High School Dropouts - 5.8%
4. Marshalltown (Population of 17,945) - Adults without a high school diploma - 19.7%. Teenage High School Dropouts - 6.4%
3. Shenandoah (Population of 3,710) - Adults without a high school diploma - 12.9%. Teenage High School Dropouts - 25.7%.
2. Ottumwa (Population of 16,555) - Adults without a high school diploma - 18.3%. Teenage High School Dropouts - 14.2%
1. Eagle Grove (Population of 2,393) Adults without a high school diploma - 17.2%. Teenage High School Dropouts 23.4%
As we talked about at the beginning of the article, education isn't the only type of intelligence. What Roadsnacks did was narrow their focus on a "city's educational opportunities and what percentage of the population takes advantage of those opportunities." If you're curious, the smartest city in Iowa is Polk City.
It's not really a secret that for most people, getting at least a high school diploma will make their lives a lot easier. That's not the case for everyone, however. Check out these millionaires who never graduated high school.
Peter Jackson - Lord of the Rings director.
Richard Carmona - Former U.S Surgeon General
Don Imus - Broadcaster
Simon Cowell - Executive Producer, X Factor Judge
Gisele Bundchen - Entrepreneur, Model
Richard Branson - Virgin Records, Virgin Music
The list could go on and on. It would be even longer if we found millionaires without a college degree. Heck, these guys are some of the richest people on the planet and they never got a college degree. I think Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Steve Jobs are all doing just fine.