Are Students Benefiting from E-Learning? The Answer Might Surprise You
Many schools throughout the Sioux Empire are closed until May 1st including the Sioux Falls School District. This mandate means more time learning lessons in a virtual classroom. Educational methods certainly have changed as a result of COVID-19, but are students actually learning anything? Surprisingly, e-learning could be the future.
Students in today's society have more access to technological resources than students of past generations did. In recent years, e-learning has been on the rise for numerous reasons. Dexway provides the top five reasons why students are actually benefiting from learning online as opposed to the regular classroom approach.
Number one: Students learn more than they do in traditional courses.
- If a student is struggling in a course, they can learn at their own pace. According to Dexway, "They are able to move faster through areas of the course they feel comfortable with, but slower through those that they need a little more time on." This way they aren't feeling "bored."
Number two: Retention rates are higher with online learning.
- This may be hard to believe since any form of technology can be seen as a distraction. But with e-learning, retention rates have jumped from 25% to 60%! This is due to engaging multimedia content offered to students.
Number three: Online learning requires less of a time investment.
- E-learning has been known to condense classes. This would also give students the flexibility to have a part-time job while receiving an education.
Number four: More frequent assessments can reduce distractions.
- This area is more for teachers. Having assignments and tests online is easier for teachers to keep track of a student's progress, as well as the fact that the evaluation process is continuous. Students can also efficiently receive the help they need in order to succeed.
Number five: E-learning is the greener option.
- This answer speaks for itself. Online classes traditionally save trees since teachers aren't making copies of assignments. Students are learning while helping our planet.
What do you think are the benefits of e-learning?
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