Active Generations Delivering more Meals on Wheels Than Ever Before
What's one thing that's more important now than maybe any other time in modern history? Getting food to the hungry. Currently, there are more people who are unemployed in the U.S. than in any period of time since the great depression of the '30s. That means there are a lot of hungry mouths to feed. Among those are our senior citizens.
Active Generations "Meals on Wheels" program is currently serving an astounding 500 meals a day, five days a week to individuals from 10:45-12:30. As you can imagine, a lot of work goes into this. Not only in preparing the meals, 5 days a week, but also delivering them. And with the pandemic, some of their more vulnerable volunteers have had no other choice but to shelter in place, so many of the area program directors have been stepping up to fill the void left behind by some of their most loyal volunteers.
Area businesses have also stepped up to help with volunteering, including Sanford Health and Schulte Subaru. Schulte Subaru also recently donated three brand new vehicles to the Meals on Wheels program. That ensures the volunteers will be able to deliver more meals, more often, to the people that need it.
They also would welcome your donations. If you would like to donate to Active Generations please visit their website at
If you are interested in volunteering for the Meals on Wheels program, you can find more information here, or call 605-336-6722. And keep an eye on their Facebook page for a list of upcoming events and information.