You ask, you receive. Prints from Abandoned: South Dakota are now available. A book and calendar are also in the works!

When Sioux Falls photographer Abby Bischoff started sharing her amazing photos of abandoned farm houses that she had taken over the past couple of years, she thought some friends and family members might enjoy seeing them.

Within 24 hours of making the Abandoned: South Dakota Facebook page public, Bischoff had 3000 fans! Three days later the page went past 10,000 and now two weeks later, the page boasts over 25,000 fans!

Immediately, fans began asking about purchasing prints, calendars and asking if Bischoff was going to put them in a coffee table book and when they could order.

You ask and you receive. Bischoff is hard at work on putting together a calendar AND a book and while we wait for those, you can now order prints through her new Abandoned: South Dakota website.

There is also the opportunity for you to share your pictures through the website and Facebook page. Who says your voice doesn't matter?

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