Start game planing a new route to where you need to go because on Monday April 22, 2013 construction begins for the intersection at 57th street and Western.The City of Sioux Falls says that traffic will be down to one lane in both directions and to expect delays.

Google 57th and western3
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Additionally, Western Avenue will need to be closed for about three weeks at a point during the project for the 54-inch sanitary sewer crossing. The City will have more about that part of the project before it happens.

Google 57th and western4
Google Maps

The work will involve underground utility upgrades, a 54-inch sanitary sewer crossing on Western Avenue, additional turning lanes at the intersection of 57th Street and Western Avenue, and widening of Western Avenue from 57th Street to Remington Place. -City of SF

Please use caution while traveling through the construction zone.


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