10,310 People Win Lottery By Playing 9-9-9
Predictable number patterns do not make good passwords, but apparently, they're lucky when it comes to winning a lottery drawing.
On the Election Day Pick 3 drawing in South Carolina, 10,319 people played the numbers 9-9-9 and won.
The payouts won't be jackpot levels, each winner is only expected to receive between $250 or $500, depending on how much money they paid out for their tickets. But overall the lottery will end up paying out $2.5 million for this drawing, according to officials.
Lottery officials say a triple number combination is the lottery's most played sequence and this drawing had 16 times the normal amount of winners.
Hitting on the numbers 9-9-9 isn't unheard of in South Carolina, in fact, it's happened ten times in the past.
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