We all have goals we want to accomplish in life, and the new year is the best time to start realizing these aspirations.  The trick is being capable of completely following through on them.

Some of the most common New Year's resolutions might include going to the gym more often, eating healthy, refraining from drinking a lot of alcohol, saving money, doing good deeds every day, and the list goes on.  These are all great when people start.  Individuals usually have the most sincere intentions when they identify their resolutions and begin executing them.  However, Time Magazine reveals the top 10 resolutions that are most commonly broken.  The list includes the following:

  • Lose Weight and Get Fit: Sometimes people don't have enough time for the gym throughout the day, or at a certain point, they just don't make time to even exercise.
  • Quit Smoking: Smoking is an addictive habit and habits are extremely difficult to break. It takes time and patience.
  • Learn Something New: Learning helps your brain grow mentally and personally.  The more you know is truly a great thing!  Learning is worth the effort!
  • Eat Healthier and Diet: This can get expensive for some people.  But, it could be as easy as cutting out fast food or not taking that extra cookie in the office.
  • Get Out of Debt and Save Money: Stay on top of your bills and create a monthly budget!
  • Spend More with Family: Family is always my top priority.  Thank God for technology which enables me to stay up to date with them!
  • Travel to New Places: Traveling allows you to learn about new sites and cultures.  See! You can always learn something new!
  • Be Less Stressed: Try to do things that make YOU happy.  Take some time for YOU.
  • Volunteer: I always like to help others because it's a way to pay it forward for all my blessings, and it makes me feel good.  Organizations like the 211 Helpline Center are always looking for help!
  • Drink Less: Alcohol is not everything. Water is super important for our bodies!  I've always struggled with drinking water.  So, I started to bring a reusable water container to work to motivate myself to drink more water throughout the day!

Do you agree with the list from Time Magazine?

Source: Time Magazine

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