
Goal Setting For Seniors [AUDIO]
Goal Setting For Seniors [AUDIO]
Goal Setting For Seniors [AUDIO]
No matter what you want to change about your life, author and life coach Caroline Adams Miller says setting goals will help you do it! As a senior, setting goals causes you to think about exactly what you want to achieve, the problems you might encounter along the way, possible solutions to those problems and the steps you'll need to take to reach your goals...
Electrify Your Life [AUDIO]
Electrify Your Life [AUDIO]
Electrify Your Life [AUDIO]
Whether it's the beginning of a year or not, Caroline Adams Miller, author of Creating Your Best Life, says there is never a "wrong" time to look at our lives and set fresh, inspiring goals that will takes us towards a more meaningful and flourishing life...
Do What You Fear [AUDIO]
Do What You Fear [AUDIO]
Do What You Fear [AUDIO]
Do what you fear and you will have the power! That according to nationally recognized author and life coach Caroline Adams Miller. Caroline, who has written a best selling book titled Creating Your Best Life, says it's important to break out of one's comfort zone in order to succeed in life...
Creating Your Best Life [AUDIO]
Creating Your Best Life [AUDIO]
Creating Your Best Life [AUDIO]
If you don't know where you're going, you will end up somewhere else! That according to author Caroline Adams Miller, author of the best selling book "Creating Your Best Life: The Ultimate Life List Guide." Check out Monday's I Love Life segment with Caroline who talks about the power of setting goals...