For the past ten years or so, millions of men have taken Viagra to improve their sex life. It's the little pill that changed love lives around the world.

In the medical world, there have been several other uses for the drug as well. It has been used to treat more than just erectile dysfunction.

But now let's go beyond medicine. We will now talk about your plants.

The sex boosting drug is good for all kinds of drooping including cut flowers. Gardening expert David Domoney reveals that adding just a tiny 1 milligram of Viagra (the pills usually contain 50 milligrams each) to water will keep flowers from wilting.

The English gardener explains, "You only need a tiny amount to stiffen things up nicely,"  After sharing this story, I now invite you to drive by my house this Summer and focus on the landscaping. If you see six foot tall plants, you'll know it works.

But please, no peaking in the windows!

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