Stolen Hunting Supplies Located in Minnehaha County, Suspects Found
Minnehaha County Conversation Officer Jared Hill says thousands of dollars of hunting supplies, including decoys and electronics, have been found.
"A lot of it was actually involving landowners and different hunters. They were looking for the decoys. With that amount stolen, a lot of other hunters are upset. A lot of us are hunters ourselves. When that amount of dollars ruins your hunt for one local group and for non residents---just the fact that hunters were taken back by the amount stolen."
Hill says social media, along with area hunters, worked together to track down the suspects in Baltic and Dell Rapids.
"People were looking out for different suspicious spreads and for a large amount of decoys. Basically, the hunters got together and helped us out. Without the assistance, we probably wouldn't have found much of anything."
Captain Jason Gearman of the Minnehaha County Sheriff's Office says two of the suspects are 18-years-old. The other two, according to Gearman, are 17-years-old.