People Only Have 32 Minutes of ‘Me Time’
We are running very short on time for some reason. I'm talking about free time, time for yourself.
I've lived at different times when we were experiencing some type of shortage. I remember the gas shortage in the 70's. Gasoline was being rationed. You were only allowed to buy so many gallons at a time. Ten years back during the Great Recession, there was a job shortage. Today there's a shortage of workers.
But everybody is suffering the most when it comes to "me time." Time to yourself to do whatever you want.
How much time, on average, do you have each day? I was working on a project just yesterday, that I had a hard time completing because I had to start and stop every 15 minutes because of other things on the schedule.
According to a recent study of 2000 parents, most people have just over a half hour each day to themselves.