Summer means vacations and spending more time outdoors. It also means you need to know the risks when you're outdoors and how best to be prepared.

Results Radio / Townsquare Media is proud to be a National Weather Service 'Weather Ready Ambassador' - a designation we don't take lightly.

While you're out and about during these warm summer months there are a couple of important things you need to remember - lightning safety and heat safety.

Most lightning deaths occur during the months of June and July. The most important message everyone should know is if you can hear thunder, you are in danger.

That's why the weather service uses the slogan 'When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors.' And new this year for the hard of hearing community 'When You See a Flash, Dash to Safety.'

Another dangerous part of summer is excessive heat. Always look for ways to reduce exposure to extreme heat and make sure that children and pets are especially protected.

To learn more about lightning safety and/or heat safety, click on the corresponding links. You may also want to check out the weather service's summer safety website.

Source: National Weather Service

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