Midco Aquatic Center Earns Prestigious Recognition
There is so much bad news out there, in the world, where most of us haven't been in a while. So when something positive happens, I think it's worth mentioning, even if we can't fully appreciate the components of the story.
I don't think it is an exaggeration to say, that nothing ever gets built in Sioux Falls without a bit of, shall we say, spirited discussion. Which is exactly what took place prior to the building of the Midco Aquatic Center.
But, built it was, and it has become another place for individuals and families to gather for exercise and fun. It also was a sporting venue, to hold swimming and diving competitions. Currently closed, like so many other gathering places in Sioux Falls, it has recently garnered a unique recognition.
The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) has given the Midco Aquatic Center (MAC) an official certification as a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) building. This certification means that MAC uses less electricity, has lower carbon emissions, and a healthier environment than most other buildings in the country.
In fact, according to Sean Ervin, LEED AP (Accredited Professional) and Principal/Senior Architect at TSP, Inc. in Sioux Falls, the Midco Aquatic Center "exceeded USGBC standards", and, "is one of the first aquatic-only centers in the nation" to receive this certification.
Hopefully, one day in the not-too-distant future, we will get to reacquaint ourselves with this great facility.
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