Meet The Director Of The Sioux Falls Outdoor Campus: David Parker
There is a new face roaming around the Outdoor Campus in Sioux Falls!
David Parker is the new director of the outdoor recreational and education center. Parker is a Charlotte, North Carolina native who is a lover of anything outdoors, especially fishing. Prior to arriving in South Dakota, Parker was teaching high school science in Charlotte. How did he land in the Midwest? His wife is originally from Beresford, South Dakota. "When we first got married, we visited South Dakota periodically. My wife just told me one day, 'It's 30 below outside. You need to experience this weather.' I walked out into the 30 below weather, and I've adjusted to it," says Parker.
Parker's hope and expectation for his staff is to continue to build and expand relations with current and potential partners of the Outdoor Campus. Besides continuing partnerships, Parker wants to expand on classes that the Outdoor Campus already offers. Parker explains, "I really want to do more on the hunting and fishing side of the Outdoor Campus. In the fall, we're hoping to add a 'Hunting Day.' We'll bring people together to talk about what gear is best to use during pheasant or deer hunting season. I'm also hoping to add an experienced hunting course for the veteran hunters."
If you see David around the Outdoor Campus, be sure to say "Hello!" Welcome to Sioux Falls David!

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