Have you ever wondered what that building with the American flag on its roof was, as you drive west along I-94? I've been wondering what it is since I was commuting to St. Cloud State in the late 00's. Well, thanks to social media we seem to have an answer to this nagging question.

The first time I remember seeing the flag and wording on the roof, I thought this was perhaps an outbuilding for a VFW in Rogers. But after a closer look, I saw the letters didn't spell VFW, but VJF.

So what's with the lettering on the roof and the American Flag? Well, this is what was posted, by Melissa Weiner, in Quirky Minnesota Places about the unique building along I-94.

Image Credit: Quirky Minnesota Places Melissa Weiner via Facebook
Image Credit: Quirky Minnesota Places Melissa Weiner via Facebook

My grandparents owned a farm near Rogers on I94. In the 1970s, their sons re-roofed the grainery and added their name with the American flag.

In the 2010s, after my grandparents passed away, the flag on the roof fell into disrepair. The property was still owned by their children. Someone wanted to pay tribute to their deceased friend and contacted my family. They offered to pay for a new roof if it included their friend's initials, so that’s why the intitials VJF were added. After several years the family painted the grainery red to make the flag stand out.

My family no longer owns the property. I’m not sure what the future is for the building, but I still love driving by it as I head north on I94.

And now you know the rest of the story....

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