The other day I was talking with my son Jake on the phone. It was a random conversation (real random), but we started talking about electric cars and decided that even if it's not maybe the future, it's certainly going to be part of the future.

Cars and pickups in general stir up a lot of emotion when you talk with people. Remember growing up when mom or dad would say they're a Chevy or Ford family (usually when it was the opposite of what you drive at your house) or when your brother showed up with a Ford and the family had been driving Chevrolet for years. So, when we started talking about electric cars it got me wondering.

A few months ago I wrote about electric cars. One of the sales people from Billion Automotive said "come out and drive one. She had one I might be interested in. I might do it.

This past holiday season we traveled to California. While we were visiting the Joshua Tree National Forest we noticed an electric car. Then while shopping, we drove past a charging station for Tesla. It appears that it's coming and we may see it in our lifetime where it's common, or normal to have an electric car in the garage.

Time moves fast. With technology, even faster. The grandpa I never met lived in a cave he dug into the bank of Medicine Creek in central South Dakota while he built his house when settling in South Dakota. Horses and wagons were still part of the world then. Some people may remember riding a horse to school in the morning. Regardless,  it's coming. The future.

Bottom line, it might be kind of cool to be the first one in the family to own an electric car. Imagine the conversation, "hey, here's a picture of Dad with his first electric car. He was so proud that he was the first in the family to own one." Now everybody has one.

Maybe we're a way off. But if we're lucky enough and live long enough, we're going to see some pretty big changes. Even in the near future. Maybe even owning an electric car.

How about you? Would you entertain owning an electric car our automobile? Please share this with your automobile loving friends.

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