Haggard And Strait Duet On ‘The Fighting Side Of Me’ (Watch)
Somehow I missed this. I don't know how, but somehow I missed this great duo.
It was in 2014 when you're favorite singer and my favorite singer got on stage and sang a killer good duet on the legendary 'The Fighting Side of Me'.
It was during the ACM 'All Star Salute To The Troops'. I suppose I missed it because I assumed it would be all the 'new' rock/pop/country artists that I'm, uh, not big on. Yeah, I'm a dumb-dumb...I shouldn't assume stuff, especially when these two hit the stage!
There's King George (Your favorite artist and I can't blame ya) with my favorite artist (Merle Haggard and you can't blame me) dueting on Merle's all time classic 'The Fighting Side Of Me'. Now, sometimes you can take two giant's of music, put 'em together and it doesn't work.
Well, this one did.
We lost Merle in April of 2016, but as you can see and hear, he still had...it...in 2014. And with 60 number one hits under his belt, George is still doin' it to it, putting out great music and sounding as good as ever.
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