George Washington Health Traveling Exhibit in Sioux Falls
A look at our Nation's first President from a perspective of health is on display now in Sioux Falls, but only for a few days, at the VA hospital.
The Department of Veterans Affairs Sioux Falls Health Care System says everyone is welcome to view a traveling exhibit, Every Necessary Care & Attention: George Washington and Medicine. The display is only here for a short time, Wednesday through Friday. (January 2 to January 4) It explores the story of President Washington’s own health and examines how he sought to safeguard the health and wellness of those under his care.
This exhibit will be on display in the front foyer of the medical center located at 2501 W. 22nd Street near 26th and Western in Sioux Falls and available for viewing during regular business hours, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM. An exhibit reception is also open to anyone who would like to attend January 3 from 2:00 to 3:00 PM.
This display was developed and produced by the National Library of Medicine. Health Connect of South Dakota was instrumental to make the arrangements for the traveling display at various community locations, including VA.