Game Trail Cams in South Dakota & Minnesota, Illegal or Not?
As the colors of the season change, bring on the hunting seasons. For anyone who wears camo, tromps through knee-high grass sits in a blind for hours, and lives for the hunt, this is your favorite time of the year.
Many hunters like to scope out their regular hunting grounds well before the hunting season begins. Some, simply drive around hoping to spot the game in real-time. And then some use the available technology.
Game cams or trail cams are the norms for knowing the presence and path of deer, turkey, elk, bear, and other wildlife. They provide the hunter with feeding patterns and the time of day as to what areas are frequented.

I'll bet you didn't know that there are two states in the country where game cams and trail cams are illegal. Nevada and Arizona both have bans on these devices.
Here in South Dakota and neighboring Minnesota, it is legal to use these cameras.
And, Montana, Utah, Kansas, New Hampshire, and Alaska have partial bans, prohibiting the use of wireless or cellular cameras during the season.
Now if you are not a hunter, but like wildlife, a game cam would be ideal for viewing anything that happens to walk by or flies into view. They can be a source of entertainment, only to enjoy the beauty of mother nature.
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