Find Out If Your Name Is On a Coke Bottle
One of the biggest summer promotions is from none other than Coke. If you're like me, you've rummaged through hundreds of Coke bottles in a big bin, only to come up empty handed. I've found Omar, Francisco and even Gabe, but no Karla. I've never met an 'Omar' in my life.
So, how did Coke come up with the names and why isn't yours on a bottle?
Coca-Cola chose 250 of the most popular names among teens and Millennials. Those names showed up on 20-ounce bottles all across America.
Congratulations if your name is Chris, Tara, Juan and even Noor, you've got a Coke bottle waiting for you at your local grocery store.
If you'd like to see if your name made the list instead of holding out hope, check out the list here.
You can even type in your name to search the list.