Do you have a picture of your child's drawing hanging on the fridge at home? If so, why not take that drawing and have it made into a custom plush toy!

The company Budsies does just that.

So how does it work? Well there are 3 simple steps.

According to their website:

  • For Budsies: Take a photo of your drawing, sculpture, cartoon, or video game character.
  • For Selfies : Take a photo of yourself or someone special.
  • For Petsies: Take a photo of your pet or your friend’s pet.

Then send them your order. You will will receive email updates throughout the process so you know the status of your order.

Prices start at $79, so if your child (or maybe you) has a special drawing around the house, why not have it come to life! You can even submit your creation and have it put in production like a child from Yankton did.

Charlie Dooley recently has one of his designs come to life with his creation Leo the elephant. You can read about his story at Yankton Daily Press & Dakotan. If you would like to purchase his elephant you can do so as well.

See Also:


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