An Inside Look Of Gyms During COVID-19
One of my favorite exercise activities is going to the gym to run. This aspect of my normal routine is especially true during the winter months. It's just too cold and snowy during this time of year to stay outside and run for a few hours! However, the on-going COVID-19 pandemic has made this hobby a bit more challenging for most avid gym-goers like myself.
The winter weather actually held off for as long as it could this year before I had to migrate indoors! That is just the chilling reality of Midwest winters!
Over the Christmas holidays, I spent a great deal of time with family and friends back home in Illinois. One of the first things I wanted to do was to hit the gym with my Uncle Mark. I really didn't know what to expect upon entering the gym. I was shocked to see the "new normal" of gyms.
Here's a look inside my first workout session in a gym during COVID-19.
I just can't wait for gyms to resume "normal" operations... whatever the definition of normal may be! Have you visited any gyms since the pandemic started?

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