the band perry

Before the Band Perry
Before the Band Perry
Before the Band Perry
Sibling trio the Band Perry has seen loads of success over the past years, but before the band started, younger brothers Reid and Neil played a much different role. While Kimberly was still the blonde-haired beauty performing on stage, her brothers acted as roadies to their big sister.
The Band Perry Appear on Travel Channel’s ‘Extreme RVs’
The Band Perry Appear on Travel Channel’s ‘Extreme RVs’
The Band Perry Appear on Travel Channel’s ‘Extreme RVs’
The Band Perry will appear on this weekend's season opener of 'Extreme RVs' on the Travel Channel. During the episode, viewers will get an exclusive look into the sibling trio's home away from home -- their tour bus-- which not only provides them a home on wheels, but also a mobile recording studio.