memory Lane

Generation X Memory Lane: Filing Through The Card Catalog
Generation X Memory Lane: Filing Through The Card Catalog
Generation X Memory Lane: Filing Through The Card Catalog
It's a sure way of knowing you're getting a bit older. You think back to what, for you, are 'the good old days'. Now, depending on your age it could be that 'ol Model T (really?? You remember the Model T?). Maybe it's when you got that first color TV set (Living color according to NBC's peacock)...
Secret Revealed: Here’s What Your Grandma Had In Her Purse
Secret Revealed: Here’s What Your Grandma Had In Her Purse
Secret Revealed: Here’s What Your Grandma Had In Her Purse
Don't be looking in a woman's purse. Not even if it's your wife's or belongs to your significant other. Nope. Doing something like that will get you an angry stare, a slap or shot. Maybe sued. Nothing good happens there. But what the heck, we can go back, back, back and see what Grandma hauled around in her purse...