South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks are considering introducing Atlantic salmon to the Missouri River reservoir in South Dakota, possibly changing the face of fishing on lake Oahe.

The goal is to increase the number of salmon that anglers catch. However, it also raises several ecological questions. Biologists are looking for your opinion on the matter. You can take a quick survey and leave a comment here.

Anglers are taking sides on the matter with a host of unanswered questions being raised. Perhaps this interview between a woman named Larry and SD GFP Fisheries Biologist Hilary Meyer will help answer some questions.

In which direction will this argument go? Maybe these recent comments on Youtube offer us a clue:

While in Maine I have fished for Landlocked salmon which is an Atlantic Salmon that doesn't go the ocean to spawn . Wonderful fighters love a streamer . Awesome leapers. Great on the fly rod. All for it .
I don't like the idea.  Just another predator fish that we don't need.  If the state wants to cater to fisherman from out of state to bring in money, why not work on making it a better small mouth fishery.  Bass fishing is were the money is at.  All you have to do is watch any of the outdoor/hunting/fishing channels to realize this.
No don't introduce foreigh fish into our waters.

Gary Beaubien

SO IF YOU PUT ONE MILLION ATLANTIC SALMON IN LAKE OAHE THAT ARE ABOUT AVERAGE SIZE, SIX INCHES, IN THREE YEARS THEY WILL BE ABOUT 12--14 INCHES long, how long will it be before they wipe out fry, shrimp, and little walleye. I would venture to bet that more money is brought into the state through walleye fishing than what SALMON fishing could ever think of.

Sounds like a good idea for everyone concerned, lets give it a try and see how it works.  The GF&P staff has probably spent many hours researching the issue and thinks it will benefit the anglers.
Your opinion matters on the subject. Let the South Dakota Game Fish and Parks know where you stand with this quick survey.

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