Maria Hassel is not only from South Dakota, but she is from right here in Sioux Falls!!

She is 22 years young and moved to Nashville to pursue her dreams in music.

Two of her songs have actually been used in a movie that will be released in over 500 theatres! Get it, girl!

Her debut song is called "Anxiety". Maria had this to say about the song, " I wrote this song about my battle with anxiety with the hopes that someone who hears it will feel less alone in their battle with mental illness."

Such an important issue right now.

To hear "Anxiety" you can check it out on Spotify or Apple Music.

Maria says she's hoping to get 10,000 streams in the first week! Let's not let our hometown girl down!

If you would like to keep up with Maria Hassel and all of her musical endeavors, you can check out her Facebook or Instagram.





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