Chicago has pizza. Memphis has chicken, Austin has BBQ. Almost every large city identifies with a food item. A website has come up with the "best, most essential, go-to food city in each state.

With over 650 restaurants, it's obvious Sioux Falls loves food. According to Thrillist, Sioux Falls is the only city in the state that has a "food scene." We have great restaurants all over the city. If you head downtown you'll find McKenzie River Pizza, Minervas, Parker's Bistro, Crave and many other mouth-watering options. Venture to 41st Street and the Empire Mall area and you'll find your fair share of chain restaurants.

Here's what Thrillist said about Sioux Falls' food scene:

There's great food in Spearfish, Rapid, Deadwood, and probably in some one-horse town you've never heard of where they cut amazing steaks off a still-breathing cow, but Sioux Falls is the only city that has, you know, a food scene. Minervas (with its salad bar and amazing steaks) is a legend. Parker's Bistro has fine dining (and, yep, more meat), M.B. Haskett is a deli that could fit right in in New York, and CH Patisserie is one of the country's finest bakeries. South Dakota might be the most underrated state in the union. And Sioux Falls might just be the most overlooked food destination, especially if you just see it on the highway en route to finding out what the hell Wall Drug is.

I agree that Sioux Falls is an overlooked food destination. Sure, the massive chain restaurants are usually good and consistent, but you're missing out if you haven't had the salad bar at Minerva's, a chocolate croissant at CH Patisserie or pizza at Fiero Pizza.

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