Various president's had nicknames. We had 'Honest Abe'. We had 'Silent Cal'. We even had 'Tricky Dick'.

And then there was 'Give 'em hell, Harry'.

Harry Truman generally spoke his mind and come what may. Whether it might be to threaten to punch a member of the press corp for writing a criticism of his daughter's piano playing or calling the legislative branch of government a 'do nothing congress', Harry spoke his mind.

And so it was for then ex-president Truman regarding choosing a democrat nominee in the 1960 presidential race. Of course, as we now know Sen. John Kennedy received that nomination and went on to become President of the United States.

Well, going into the convention that year of 1960, Harry Truman decided he had enough of the process and pulled out completely. And in the historic video below, he gives us an example of, well, speaking his mind.

Now, of course, that didn't necessarily sit real well with Senator Kennedy. And so, shorty after, he responded to the former president.

Ah, political infighting. That is a thing of the past, right?

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