They say breaking up is hard to do. But the real question is, what are you most likely to do after a relationship meltdown?

Is your first instinct to crawl into the fetal position and bawl like a baby for days, weeks, even months? Or are you inclined to hop back on the horse that just threw you?

There's a study out that says the best way to get over a breakup, is not getting over it. At least too quickly anyway.

Psychologists at Northwestern University in Illinois studied more than 200 people who recently experienced a bad breakup to examine how they handled it.

What they found is the people who actually spent a significant amount of time thinking, talking about, and dwelling on the breakup, recovered much faster than people who immediately starting looking for their rebound guy or gal.

Researchers say people in relationships wind up having their personalities deeply intertwined.  By focusing on the breakup, it made it easier to "untangle" yourself, rediscover your independent personality, and get on with your life.

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