Nashville is an upcoming American musical drama television series. The series stars Connie Britton as Rayna James, a legendary country music superstar, whose star begins fading, and Hayden Panettiere as rising teen star Juliette Barnes. It will premiere on ABC on October 10, 2012, at 10/9 central.

Rayna's producers offer her a joint tour with the up-and-comer Juliette, the young and sexy future of country music. But both singers are pursuing their goals. Juliette wants to take the place of Rayna. Rayna thinks that a few songs written by talented author Scarlett O'Connor (Clare Bowen) will help to revive her success.

Rayna's father is Lamar Wyatt (Powers Boothe), a powerful politician in Nashville, who forced her to marry Teddy Conrad (Eric Close), who lives on her money.

The pilot episode has received many positive reviews from critics, specifically praising Callie Khouri's writing, casting and the performance of Connie Britton.


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