Will Sioux Falls Swimming Pools Open In 2020?
Wednesday morning Sioux Falls Mayor Paul TenHaken did a live stream on Facebook. He discussed many things including if the cities swimming pools would be opening for the 2020 season in this COVID-19 climate.
Mayor TenHaken stated:
There is a reality that we have to talk about, have to face, and that is our city revenues are being impacted right now, as you know. And so when we talk about the cost of opening pools and hiring all the lifeguards, staff, and all the other things we gotta start looking at the dramatic decrease we are seeing in city revenues. And as a result of COVID-19, there is gonna just be some things we're gonna have to determine what's financially feasible for the city. I sure hope in my heart of hearts that we can find a way to have pools open. And have the same level of parks programs you've become accustomed to and that we've always had. But I also know there is going to be some challenging conversations that we're gonna have to have in the months ahead.
The mayor stated that he would be sharing some new guidelines on the Sioux Falls parks on Thursday at 10:30.