Hand Sanitizer Sprays VS Gel, Which is Better?Hand Sanitizer Sprays VS Gel, Which is Better?Is it the spray or the tried and true hand sanitizer gel that we have all come to know? Which is better and why?TaneilTaneil
South Dakotan Dies From Methanol Poisoning In Hand SanitizerSouth Dakotan Dies From Methanol Poisoning In Hand SanitizerSD Health officials are advising everyone to check their bottles of hand sanitizers.TaneilTaneil
POET: From Biofuel to SanitizerPOET: From Biofuel to SanitizerSouth Dakota biofuel refiner is producing and distributing ethanol-based sanitizer.Dave RobertsDave Roberts
Hand Sanitizer versus Soap and Water, Which Is Better?Hand Sanitizer versus Soap and Water, Which Is Better?If you have kids, you might want to stock up on hand sanitizer. According to a new study by the American Academy of Pediatrics, hand sanitizer works best.Chad McKenzieChad McKenzieAssociated PressAssociated Press