Mysterious Fog that Has Made Many Sick Now Reported in MissouriMysterious Fog that Has Made Many Sick Now Reported in MissouriSomething strange is in the fog. No, it's not the premise for a creepy 1980's movie, but now a reality in Missouri. It's been reportedly making many sick and there's video to prove it.Doc HollidayDoc Holliday
8 Things You May Not Know About Fog8 Things You May Not Know About FogThere is a lot we know about fog and quite a bit that still remains mysterious.Patty DeePatty Dee
Foggy Morning-90 Day Snow Prediction for South DakotaFoggy Morning-90 Day Snow Prediction for South DakotaAn 'Old Wives Tale' says snow in 90 days after a late summer 'foggy morning.' Will it happen this year? JD CollinsJD Collins