Top 10 Country Songs of the 1970sTop 10 Country Songs of the 1970sWhich one is your favorite? Annie ZaleskiAnnie Zaleski
The Old Home Fill 'er Up Cafe!The Old Home Fill 'er Up Cafe!Do you remember hearing about a Minnesota well digger's gizzard?Mark TasslerMark Tassler
Story Behind The ClassicStory Behind The ClassicIt's December, 1975. I don't care what your name is, but what's your handle? Behind the classic 'Convoy'.Randy McDanielRandy McDaniel
Uncle Hank Was A TruckerUncle Hank Was A TruckerMy Uncle Hank was a trucker. He lived in Kenneth Minnesota and when I was a kid I got to ride with him to the Sioux Falls Stockyards. How about the ultimate trucker song?Randy McDanielRandy McDaniel