The Sioux Valley School District had what appeared to be a very scary situation happen early this week at the Sioux Valley School in Volga, near BrookingsSouth Dakota.

A note referencing an explosive was found in the building after school hours on Monday, (January 27). Dakota News Now reports the letter revealed there was an explosive device planted in a boy's bathroom somewhere inside the school.

Obviously, the district takes something of this nature extremely seriously and authorities were notified immediately.

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According to Dakota News Now, officials from the Brookings Sheriff's Office scoured the entire school, and nothing suspicious was found after an extensive search of the building.

The Sioux Valley School District issued an email to all parents stating, "Please know that we take these situations seriously and will address it appropriately, and the person and or persons responsible for this will be held accountable.”

Dakota News Now reports that the incident is still under investigation by the Brookings County Sheriff's Office, but authorities are confident there is no threat at this time.

Should you or anyone you know have any additional information that can aid authorities in their investigation, you're asked to please contact the Brookings County Sheriff’s Office at 605-696-8300, or Brookings Area Crime Stoppers, either on their website or by phone at 605-692-STOP (7867).

Source: Dakota News Now

10 Most Dangerous Cities in South Dakota

Cities on the east and west side of the Missouri River have made the latest list of South Dakota's Most Dangerous Cities for 2021.

Roadsnacks recently released its most 'Dangerous Cities' list and here in The Mount Rushmore state there are a few surprises, especially at the top. To determine the most dangerous cities in the state, Roadsnacks looked at the FBI's report on the latest violent crime, along with property crime statistics.

And surprisingly, the town with the most murders per capita in the state has less than 3,000 residents. Take a look at the list below.

For a look at the detailed list, visit Story Source: Roadsncaks