School board members in this northwest Iowa town have voted to arm staff members with guns to be prepared for active shooter incidents.

The Spirit Lake, Iowa school board voted Monday night to revise their emergency response plan.

Iowa School Board Gives OK To Give Guns To Staff Members-Getty Thinkstock
Iowa School Board Gives OK To Give Guns To Staff Members-Getty Thinkstock

KTIV is reporting that the extensive 50-page plan contains the provision to allow up to 10 school staff members to carry guns.

The staff members who would be allowed to carry guns do not include teachers.

Spirit Lake police Chief Shane Brevik shared his concern with the plan saying, “The idea that staff and teachers having gone through some simple walkthroughs of tactical situations even begins to prepare them for facing an armed threat is concerning.”

Iowa School Board Gives OK To Give Guns To Staff Members-Getty Thinkstock
Iowa School Board Gives OK To Give Guns To Staff Members-Getty Thinkstock

KTIV reports that Spirit Lake Superintendent David Smith responded to Chief Brevik’s statement saying that Chief Brevik “showed up the 1/3 of one day of the training, but yet in his response that I thought was very critical and inappropriate, He said this was an unworkable solution.”

Shannon Grau-Quail who is a parent and substitute teacher commented “I always think I have to be prepared. Being prepared. We buy insurance for all kinds of things, We don’t find them after the accident or after we get sick.”

Iowa School Board Gives OK To Give Guns To Staff Members-Getty Thinkstock
Iowa School Board Gives OK To Give Guns To Staff Members-Getty Thinkstock

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