So, you have the diagnosis. It's hard to imagine the time you might take trying to find out more. Look this up, ask these questions.

Now, you have to find time and money for road trips. Serious Must Take Road Trips.

This sweet young family has been confronted with the daunting reality of navigating through Ky's treatment, which will require them to be in Denver, CO for an extended period.

As they embark on this journey, they are not only grappling with the emotional strain but also the financial burden that comes with medical bills, travel expenses, and other unforeseen costs.

Here's where you can help. Friends and family are planning a pancake breakfast and 50/50 raffle for Saturday, April 5th in the Larchwood Community Center.

They're also planning a music event, on Sunday, May 5th at the Rec Center in Larchwood, Iowa. That even will include a Taco Bar Bounce, Houses for the kids, and more.

I invite you to visit Ky's CaringBridge page [] to learn more about his journey and the courageous cancer battle he is fighting.

You can find out more about Ky and some of the scheduled events here.

Used with Permission
Used with Permission


I just received another UPBEAT, UPDATE from Janey;

Make your plans to come to the PancakePalooza this Saturday from 8 AM - 12 PM in Larchwood at the Rec Center!  Pancakes, sausage and eggs cooked by all of Ky's grandpas, great grandpas, uncles, cousins and maybe an auntie or two -
Firetruck, Bounce House, Raffles (one for the kids!) and a Silent Auction. Coach O and Augie football players, lots of love and support for the Skiles and Lynott families.
This week, pray for Ky's appetite and a good, healing and restful week as he prepares to fight round three of chemo next week. You've got this Ky! Fight hard and know that Ky's Krew loves you!

Celebrities Who Had Kids Young

When it comes to parenthood, Hollywood is home to moms and dads of all ages. Whether fresh out of high school or newly entering their 20s, having a kid early didn’t stop these famous faces from having a successful career, too.

Gallery Credit: Michele Bird

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