Staff Writer
Inattentive Man on Scooter Checking Phone Rides Right Into Sinkhole
Yet another reason you shouldn't text and drive.
Lost Engagement Ring Turns Up 13 Years Later — Around a Carrot
Call it a one-carrot diamond.
Skateboarding Dog Will Make You Forget How Crazy the World Is
Feeling stressed about the news? Let this pup take your worries away.
Anchors Have Major Giggle Fit While Covering Sewage Leak
Sewage leak -- gross, sure. But it's also pretty darned funny.
Dad With Debilitating Fear of Heights Takes In Astonishing View Over a Cliff
Nothing will stop this man from getting a long look below.
These 2 Mind-Bending Optical Illusions Are Bound to Drive You Loony
Your eyes are going to deceive you, so be ready to deceive them back.
Atrocious National Anthem Performance at County Fair Defies All Logic
Oh, say can you believe it?
Just a Little Girl Riding Her Pony Into a Convenience Store to Do Some Shopping
Prediction: every little girl who sees this will yell, "I want a pony!"
Drunk Russian Soldier Levels Vicious Punch on Reporter
Guess what? Russia may also have a problem with fake news.
The 12 Corporate Buzzwords People in Offices Hate the Most
It's tough enough to deal with a boss who drives you batty, but learning the lingo may require overtime.