I grew up on a crop and dairy farm in Southern Minnesota. After graduating from Wells Easton High School, I earned a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education from the University of Minnesota. After graduation I returned to the family farm consisting of 600 acres of corn, soybeans, alfalfa, sweet corn, peas and 100 dairy cows. In fall of 1995, after 18 years, I traded the milking parlor for a radio microphone. I still get up at 3:15AM every day. In addition to Farm Broadcasting, covering the farm news, weather, markets, meetings, county fairs, FFA conventions and so on, I continue to farm our land in Southern Minnesota. I am on the air from 5:00 to 7:00 with Mornings on the Farm and then reports through out the day. My wife of 40 years, Louise, is an Occupational Health Nurse for the Jennie-O-Turkey Store. We have two children: Laura who finished Graduate school in Michigan and now is in Burnsville and Steve received his Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Pittsburgh. He works for Eli Lilly in Indianapolis.