The alarm clock goes off, and you get up and head to the job site. And what is your job site? Is it a normal everyday job?

Some people are not so common. They go to work in the morning to a not so normal job.

Some people have a weird way of providing for their families. For example, a rodeo clown has a little different workplace than what you have. Personally I would advise staying out of his cubicle, there are snorting bulls in there.

Or how about if someone asked you what you did for a living, and your answer was drawbridge tender? There's a guy out there doing that job at this very moment.

Now let's consider not so ordinary jobs here in Sioux Falls. You may be able to add some to my list. I would like to share the top five I came up with. Think about doing these things and how your life would be a little different.

Sioux Falls' Most Unusual Jobs:

  1. Bingo Announcer
  2. Eye Glass Buffer
  3. Fingerprint Analizer
  4. Jelly Doughnut Filler
  5. Urinalysis Observer

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