Keeping goats for fun and profit is becoming a growing trend in this country.  Because of a growing interest in goat cheese and goat milk, the demand for goat products is on the rise.

The increase is partly being attributed to the growing number of immigrants coming to this country.  Many are more accustomed to eating and drinking goat products - everything from milk to yogurt to ice cream.

Producers say the increased demand has left them scurrying to keep up.  The nation's dairy goat herd population currently stands at nearly 365 thousand animals, and sales of goat products are up 15 percent in the last year alone - which translates into the need for more goats.

Another reason for the increased demand is the fact that many in and out of the medical community are now favoring goat products over traditional dairy products because of the health benefits and the lower environmental impact that goat herds have.

(Source: ABC Radio News)

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