If you've never sat down with a small child and had them help you write a love letter, you're missing out on one of the true gems of life.  When our kids were young, I had them help me a number of times.  It was also fun to have them write one of their own to their Mom.

One of my fondest memories was when our son Aaron wrote a letter stating that he loved his Mom "more than pizza."  I also remember our daughter Jesse writing one where she thought her Mom smelled good - "like Play-Doh."  Still brings a smile to my face.

There was also that one year when Aaron got a valentine from a little girl in his second grade class saying that being she had given him a card, he was now her boyfriend.  And, by golly, she wasn't afraid to share it with all the other girls in the class - hands off ladies!

One other thing that's fun to do is if you have a young daughter, make sure you have her put on A LOT of bright red lipstick so she can 'kiss' the letter once it's sealed.  They think that's pretty cool.

Do we still have all those letters and valentines the kids made?  You bet!  Those are items I would NEVER part with.  In fact, I've even gone as far as to have them all scanned so we have copies 'up in the cloud."  Those are things that can never be replaced.

If your kids are all grown, and you're saying to yourself, "Darn, wish I would've known about this sooner."  Don't worry.  Sit down with the grandkids and help them write a letter to their Mom and Dad.

Remember, it's never too late to make memories!!!

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