Summer begins today (6/21) and that always seems so special to me. I have spent my entire life living where we have four seasons, and I enjoy all of them in their own way. Yes, even Winter.

But Summer is a great time. Every time Summer begins, I think back to all the past Summers and think of the many wonderful memories.

Then I wonder what new memories we will make this year. My favorite Summers to reminisce are from when I was a kid.

Life was grand in every possible way. Playing outside all day and well into the evening. It was non stop playtime. Spending time with my friends was a lot of fun.

We must have rode a million miles on our bikes. And what about going fishing with your buddy?

My most special memory of Summers long ago, were playing baseball. i would give anything to go back and play just one more game at the old home town ball park.

As I think harder, I can still see mom hanging clothes on the line and I can still taste the Cool-Aid.

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