If you are a corn producer and if you're harvesting, don't forget to complete the national yield contest harvest entry.

With harvest already underway in many parts of the country, the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) reminds farmers that National Corn Yield Contest entrants must report within two weeks of their final yield check or by November 16, whichever comes first.

The online harvest entry is available to both farmers and seed representatives using the same login process as the initial entry. Login does require submission of the entrant’s NCGA membership number.

To complete, entrants will upload weigh tickets and yield calculations worksheet that details the number of rows harvested and length of each pass. Prior to upload, both documents must be signed by the contest supervisor.

Go online to access contest information and a detailed list of the entry and harvest rules. A tutorial video is available. Contact the direct call line at 636-733-5518 or email ncyc@ncga.com with any questions. The entry forms are available online.

For half of a century, NCGA’s National Corn Yield Contest has provided corn growers the opportunity to compete with their colleagues to grow the most corn per acre, helping feed and fuel the world. This has given participants not only the recognition they deserved, but the opportunity to learn from their peers.


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